Thursday, September 29, 2011

Remember the Holocaust

I chose to read a shorter novel this week and its called “The Devils Arithmeitc.” This book is a representation of what went down during the Holocaust. It is said through the perspective of a Jewish girl named, Hannah. At a young age her and her family were taken by Nazi soldiers and brought to a Nazi concentration camp in Germany. This book is very graphical and violent. It depicts the harassment and torture the Jewish members faced while living on fatal and humble grounds of  the camps which were located variously around parts of  Europe, mostly Germany. Families were split up and only the strongest and most able were to remain alive, only to live another day of unexplainable agony. People within the camps were only there to clean up the mess that the Nazis had created and that was burying the dead bodies that had been singed from the gas chambers. People were forced to shave their hair and strip completely of their clothes so that they had no identity except the tattoo driven into their arm when they entered the camp. Hannah has been hard pressed and consumed by demeanor that has been put upon her in the camp that she has no recollection of her past. The only thing soaring through her mind is making it to the next day and wondering when and if this will all come to an end. Even life doesn’t seem appealing anymore day by day as people encounter uncountable deaths occur. There are indescribable mounds of people that tower higher than anyone wishes to see. One slip up and you’re off to the gas chambers. In this case if was survivor of the fittest.

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