Thursday, October 13, 2011

Woman Power

Right after getting back from his seminar in Washington he races to see Abby.  While at dinner he tells Abby to act normal but that he’s been approached by the FBI and they’re watching closely.  He also tells her that the firm is very suspicious of him and they are watching him also.  Abby is scared and cries.  Tarrance, the FBI agent that introduced Mitch to Voyles, spots Mitch a week after returning from Washington and they duck into a shoe store to talk.  After spotting a spy from the firm, they act out a big fight with Mitch telling Tarrance to get the heck away from him and pushed him away.  Mitch ran directly to Avery and told him he was forced into the shoe store.  Mitch is taken to Locke to tell him the whole story.  They let Mitch go but DeVasher insists that Mitch wasn’t forced but went willingly into the shoe store.  He is very suspicious.  DeVasher wants to be sure Mitch doesn’t talk so he takes him for a ride and shows Mitch pictures of him making out with the island girl from his trip with Avery to the Caymans.  Mitch gets the message.  Mitch throws himself into his work day and night and Abby and him are extremely careful at home.  Mitch gets a letter from Tammy, a.k.a., Doris, who wants to meet him.  DeVasher announces that the mob has starting talking about taking Mitch out but there’s a few in the firm that think it would look too suspicious having another death of another associate so they decide to keep watching him.  Tammy sets up a freelance secretarial service in a building just three blocks from the front of the firm as a front to be able to communicate with Mitch and run copies of files.  Mitch makes a few more rendezvous trips to get more info from the FBI while him and Tammy scheme behind the scenes.  Abby comes to Mitch’s office to tell him her mother is sick and she’s leaving.  The firm sees it on camera and figure she’s leaving Mitch for good.  Instead, she heads to the Cayman Islands with Tammy, they drug Avery, get his keys to a room that has twelve fireproof legal-size file cabinets full of dirty files.  They scheme to copy them all before Avery wakes up.  Abby leaves the island to care for her mom, Tammy sorts and arranges the files just like Mitch demanded, and the mob puts a hit man after Mitch.

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