Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Current:Week 7

 “A base salary of eighty thousand the first year, plus bonuses.  Eighty-five the second year, plus bonuses.  A low-interest mortgage so you can buy a home.  Two country club memberships.  And a new BMW.  You pick the color, of course.”

 “There’s’ pressure, overwork, eighty-hour weeks and time away from home.”

 “We aren’t supposed to know these things, but the folks in Nashville told us that you made the highest score on the bar exam.  Congratulations, Counselor.”

“From the balcony off the second-floor bedroom, Mitch watched the small boats drift aimlessly over the sparkling sea.  The sun was beginning its descent and the small waves reflected its rays in a million directions.”

I chose the second quote because I can relate to it most.  It reminds me of school and what college is going to be like.  There’s going to be a lot of new things to learn and remember which will be really stressful and I’ll probably be studying most of my days and nights away.  And, if I get into the college I want, I’ll be away from home.

This weeks' pages:  146
Last weeks' pages:  164
Total pages read:     891

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