Thursday, October 20, 2011

Current:Week 9

“You’re outta your mind, Mitch.  If you think you can take your million and ride into the sunset, you’re a fool.”

“I knew we would have to have a lucky break to pull this off.  And I think we just found it.”

“You’ve got the money to do as you please, so forget about them.  Just tour the islands for the rest of your life.  There are worse things, you know.”

I like the third quote best because how awesome would it be to be stuck sailing around the Carribean with the love of your life and millions of dollars.  The only thing worse than that, though, would be that knowing if you stayed on land too long, it could mean your life.  Makes you kind of think about what is more important, money or freedom.

This weeks total pages:  115
Last weeks total pages:  159
Total pages read:           1165

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